Everything you need to know about spinal cord stimulation

When it comes to debilitating pain, many people are curious about new pain management technologies that they may have never heard of before. Fortunately, new methods for managing pain are being developed all the time by researchers and physicians like Dr. Edrick Lopez here at DFW Interventional Pain Institute. One of those little-known methods is spinal cord stimulation, which is designed to target pain by sending electrical signals to the spinal cord. If you're curious about spinal cord stimulation and how it can help with pain management, this blog post is for you.

What is spinal cord stimulation?

Spinal cord stimulation is a type of pain management therapy that uses electrical impulses to prevent pain signals from reaching the brain.

There are two types of spinal cord stimulation methods:

  • Outpatient spinal cord stimulation

  • Outpatient spinal cord stimulation is a non-invasive procedure that is performed in a clinical setting and doesn't require an overnight stay in the hospital. It involves the placement of small electrodes along the spinal cord. These electrodes emit electrical pulses that help to disrupt the pain signals before they reach the brain. The intensity of the electrical pulses can be adjusted according to the patient's needs. This procedure is usually considered when traditional methods of pain management have failed. It's important to note that while this treatment can significantly reduce pain, it doesn't eliminate the source of the pain, and outcomes can vary among individuals.

  • Permanent implantation

  • With a permanent spinal cord stimulator implantation, a small device, similar to a pacemaker, is implanted in your body and sends electrical signals to the spinal cord through wires. These signals disrupt the pain signals and reduce or eliminate pain sensations. This type of stimulation requires a minor surgical procedure and is more effective for long-term pain management. It also allows the patient to have more control over their pain management, as they can adjust the electrical pulse intensity with a remote control.

How does spinal cord stimulation help with pain management?

Spinal cord stimulation works by blocking or interrupting pain signals before they reach the brain. This can be especially helpful for people who have chronic pain that is not responding to traditional pain management therapies, such as medications or physical therapy. Spinal cord stimulation can also be effective for people who have nerve damage or other conditions that cause pain.

Why should I see a pain management physician for spinal cord stimulation?

If you're considering spinal cord stimulation, it's important to seek treatment from a pain management physician who specializes in this therapy. They can help determine if you're a good candidate for spinal cord stimulation and walk you through the process. They will also make sure that the device is properly implanted and help you manage the device after the procedure.

Dr. Edrick Lopez specializes in spinal cord stimulation therapy, especially for patients who are not seeing results from other treatments. Typically, Dr. Lopez will recommend other pain management strategies first, then suggest outpatient spinal cord stimulation or spinal cord stimulator implantation depending on the severity of the patient's symptoms and/or the previous history of working with the patient to relieve pain through other methods.

What is a typical procedure for spinal cord stimulator implantation like?

Spinal cord stimulation is typically done in three stages. First, a trial period is done to see if the therapy works for you. During the trial, a temporary device is implanted in your body, and you'll be able to determine if it provides relief. If the trial is successful, the permanent device will be implanted in the second stage. Finally, you'll work with your pain management physician to program the device settings to your specific needs.

Contact DFW Interventional Pain Institute if you're curious about whether spinal cord stimulation can help with your pain.

If you're struggling with chronic pain and are curious about whether spinal cord stimulation can help, don't hesitate to contact DFW Interventional Pain Institute. Dr. Edrick Lopez is a board-certified pain management physician who specializes in spinal cord stimulation therapy. He can evaluate your condition and determine if you're a good candidate for spinal cord stimulation. To schedule an appointment, contact DFW Interventional Pain Institute today.

DFW Interventional Pain Institute

Blogs written by the staff at DFW Interventional Pain Institute.


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