Our top blog posts from 2023

At DFW Interventional Pain Institute, we see a wide variety of patients with many different pain management needs. Each of our different patients presents not only an opportunity to help someone, but also an opportunity to learn and improve our practices going forward.

Each week we post information about common pain management cases we treat and how our patients can learn how to live their best lives through gaining important knowledge. In this recap post, and as a little celebration of our first year open, we wanted to share some of our favorite blog posts over the past year. Enjoy!

Meet Dr. Lopez

Of course, we would be remiss if one of our top blog posts was not about the physician behind DFW Interventional Pain Institute. This blog post gives a little bit more info about Dr. Edrick Lopez so you know exactly who is behind the treatments you'll receive at DFW Interventional Pain Institute. He and our staff are extremely passionate about our patients and love helping people to get back to living their best life.

Everything you need to know about sciatica

In this post, we go deeply into the topic of sciatica, a common condition causing discomfort and pain in the lower back and legs. The article goes over what sciatica is, its typical causes, symptoms and various treatment options available. Primarily, sciatica is a symptom of an underlying condition like a herniated disc, spinal stenosis or a pinched nerve. While the pain associated with sciatica can be severe, most cases can be resolved non-surgically. The post further outlines the importance of timely medical intervention and personalized treatment plans in ensuring effective pain relief and recovery.

7 reasons why you should see a pain management doctor

This post is geared towards those who are experiencing chronic pain but are not sure if seeing a pain management physician is something they should consider. This is a fairly common concern because pain is often so misunderstood and stigmatized. If you've been experiencing chronic pain for a long duration of time, this blog post may be the first step for you to take in assessing how you can begin living your best life.

Botox for migraines: what you need to know

We get a lot of questions about Botox because it's one of those treatments that was primarily medical and then more people became familiar with it because of other uses it has. Our post on Botox goes over the basics on how treatments for migraines work, what the typical experience is like and if Botox for migraines is the right treatment for you.

Putting the brakes on knee pain from driving

Many people experience knee pain from one specific incident: driving. Whether it's a daily commute or a longer road trip, there are some factors that could cause prolonged knee pain specifically when you're driving (though you might experience this pain at other times, too, of course). Read this post if you're experiencing knee pain when driving and learn how DFW Interventional Pain Institute can help.

Does being overweight increase the symptoms of sciatica?

Another question patients have asked frequently is whether being overweight has led to increased symptoms of sciatica. While being overweight in itself is not the reason, the additional weight can put stress on the body that can worsen the existing symptoms of sciatica. If you think additional weight is increasing those symptoms or know someone who is overweight who is curious about how they can reduce their sciatica symptoms, this biog post may be helpful.

If you're experiencing chronic pain, DFW Interventional Pain Institute can help

If you experienced pain that interfered with your daily life in 2023, you might consider making an appointment with us to see what treatments are available to help increase your quality of life in 2024. Dr. Edrick Lopez and our team at DFW Interventional Pain Institute are passionate about helping patients get back their normal routines and enjoy life to the fullest through innovative pain management treatments and techniques. Book an appointment for next year and take the first step towards living your best life in 2024!

DFW Interventional Pain Institute

Blogs written by the staff at DFW Interventional Pain Institute.


The basics of back pain: Causes, treatments and prevention


Are hyaluronic acid injections right for me?