Patient success story: Thomas's struggle with lower back pain

Dr. Edrick Lopez started his practice with the goal of helping patients live their best lives, and we were incredibly happy to work with our patient, Thomas (name changed for patient privacy), to help treat his debilitating lumbar radiculopathy. Read on to learn more about his story and how our team helped Thomas get back on his feet, literally.

Debilitating lower back pain led Thomas to seek professional help from DFW Interventional Pain Institute

Thomas had been suffering from low back pain that traveled down his leg for many years. In fact, the pain had gotten so bad that there were many times that he could hardly sit or walk. Adding to the issue, there didn't seem like there was an incident that led to the pain that he could remember; it was just something he learned to live with throughout his daily life.

It got so bad that Thomas ended up seeing a neurosurgeon to help him get to the root of his issue. The neurosurgeon discussed treatment options with Thomas, and referred him to Dr. Lopez to discuss interventional procedures instead of exploring surgical options.

Recommended treatment: Transforaminal epidural steroid injections

After discussing Thomas's symptoms and reviewing the lumbar MRI Thomas had, Dr. Lopez recommended a transforaminal lumber epidural steroid injection (TFESI). "Transforaminal" means the injection is placed from the side where the nerve exits the spine, so this meant the treatment could be applied directly to the source of Thomas's inflammation. These injections can be administered every three months, so they're an effective solution for pain management as opposed to surgery.

Since receiving his first injection, Thomas has experienced an incredibly noticeable improvement in his quality of life. He is much more functional and able to do the things he loves in life. When we hear our patients say those words, that reminds us of exactly why we do what we do at DFW Interventional Pain Institute.

If you're suffering from chronic pain like Thomas was, DFW Interventional Pain Institute can help

Chronic pain can be an overwhelming burden, affecting every aspect of your life, from daily activities to your overall emotional well-being. At DFW Interventional Pain Institute, our goal is to provide you with comprehensive and compassionate care tailored to your specific needs. We understand how debilitating chronic pain can be and are committed to helping you find relief and reclaim your life. With our advanced, minimally invasive treatment options and a dedicated team of specialists, we strive to offer hope and improve the quality of life for our patients. Don't let chronic pain control your life any longer. Contact DFW Interventional Pain Institute today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a pain-free future.

DFW Interventional Pain Institute

Blogs written by the staff at DFW Interventional Pain Institute.


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